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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Things to Know Before Using Hemorrhoid Suppositories

Hemorrhoid suppositories are medicines that have the properties to help treat hemorrhoids only. They are effective in treating hemorrhoids. However, in addition to being effective in treating hemorrhoids, in those who use the medicine incorrectly, the suppository may have side effects on the body. And

Jaw pain, jaw joint, a dangerous sign for working age people

This disease is not only caused by abnormalities of the jaw joint. But also by abnormalities of the muscles surrounding the jaw pain or the muscles used for chewing, such as the masseter, temporalis, and lateral pterygoid muscles. The jaw joint is the area that

Swollen salivary glands, risk of mumps

Mumps can affect both children and adults. Mumps is contagious and is common in children. It is characterized by pain and Swollen of the salivary glands on the side of the cheek, or the parotid glands. Contagious respiratory disease caused by mums virus infection, causing inflammation

Leptospirosis, the silent danger after floods

Leptospirosis, also known is a bacterial infection that can occur in both humans and animals. In humans, infection is caused by contact with soil, water, or food contaminated with the urine, blood, or tissues of infected animals, such as dogs, cows, buffalo, rats, pigs, horses,

Diabetes, high blood sugar, more serious than you think

Diabetes is a condition in which the body has a blood sugar level that is higher than the standard. It is caused by a lack of insulin or insulin does not work properly. Diabetes is a disease in which body cells have abnormalities in the process

Look good and handsome with skin care tips for men.

Men today are more interested in taking care of themselves, whether it’s exercising, going to the gym, or eating well. Including taking care of the skin to keep it clean and looking good all the time. And for men to turn to take care of

Tricks to make you look beautiful and youthful.

It is modern women should never stop being beautiful and to be outstanding, they must be smart about buying and using. To be beautiful, you do not need to spend a lot of money with easy beauty secrets. Young face usually has smooth, bright skin,

4 Habits That Make You Fat Without You Knowing.

Habits that cause overeating behavior. When we eat more than the body uses, it means that the body will store the remaining energy in the form of fat. If we do not use up all the stored fat, we will have more fat and become